Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gold Leaf Flakes In Bottles

Character: Elnia

Name: Lagaduc
Name: Elnia
Status: Princess of Water, married, two daughters
Race: Human

I not much talked Elnia, but I watched it and one thing is sure, it can surprise anyone.
The first thing I noticed is his relationship with Lester. These two women are all the time glued together, bickering or comment on our strategy, or to gossip. The second thing I noticed is it is the youngest princess, and even all leaders I've seen! And yet it does not disassemble and everyone respects it.
Elnia asked and is very realistic, she prefers to tell it like it is that maintaining hope, which saved us some carnage. She gets bored very quickly. I once saw her dancing her fingers in the air, so I came to see what she really was. In fact, she created a character liquid twenty centimeters high, like a little fairy, and she was dancing on the floor. It was beautiful.
I also know it was to be married when the first raid against my people took place. She could not take the plunge after our flight into the vessel. She took the binoculars from her husband.
It has a catch phrase: "it will not work" ...

Stopping Yaz Mid-cycle


The Centaurs are tall and proud. They have pride, pure and wild ones that were acquired with wisdom. Half man, half horse, they are as big figuratively than literally. Finally this is what he was reported to me, but I tend to believe it. At a meeting of clan leaders as I could see, the Princess of the Earth said that she preferred see us rather than the centaurs because it gave him less of torticollis.
These beings have much knowledge, at least in medicine (since most of our revenues come from drugs to them) and astronomy (it seems that our planet is close to a nest of stars "I've heard from those of our clan back from a meeting).
I so wanted to see, I'm sure they are as impressive as the sirens. And then he should thank them because they have protected my family and the chief's daughter who came to seek asylum ...

Centaurs live in hordes, led by a dominant male, usually one who has more knowledge. Young people learn from their fathers, their mothers and siblings.
There is a band who has always been headed by females, males of this herd are sent to others. Centaurs who want to enter the can, even males, provided they bend the rules. No need to say they are rare to want to join, but it happens.
For renewal of this case, the Hordes meet once or twice a year (if there was not enough in scope), they organized a sort of dance where partners are introduced. Nymphs were often part of the festival ...
The Centaurs are thought to be wise, they are very territorial and very adept at making war is the reason why men do not attack them. They had abandoned their weapons and did not have long waged war, while the Centaurs, who are great strategists very muscular with swords and bows made by the dwarfs, or themselves, men have preferred to do nothing .. .