Information from Revolutionary Road, November 4, 2009:
- Towards the Russian embassy: During the fighting, many were beaten by the Basij and security forces. They used batons and electric wires to hit so bestial and watered women and girls with tear gas. The reality is that all their drastic actions did not prevent people from continuing their protests, they continued toward the Russian embassy and their resistance is admirable.
- University of Tehran: Students were clubbed in front of the door Ghods. The girls are front and behind the boys, so they can not easily be beaten or arrested. The slogans are chanted "Down with the Velayat-e-Faqih" and "Rape, crime, low-scheme!".
- Corporate Place Eghelab: Violent clashes Eghelab Place. The Basij and knock street brutally maim and Azadi Square Eghelab. The stability of the people is admirable. People gather Vanak Square and are constantly attacked by the forces of repression, when people open the doors of their homes to offer them refuge.
- Report for Human Rights Activists in Iran: The repressive forces brutally attacked the people Motahari Street. Many people were beaten and arrĂȘtĂ©es.Vers 16 hours, a growing number of people (estimated in thousands) began walking along the street Motahari. The young men shouted "Death to the dictator", "Obama, you're either with them or you're with us", "Khamenei is a murderer, his direction is not valid" and "Ahmadinejad is a traitor."
The Revolutionary Guards (Sepah), guards and special police forces violently attacked people with truncheons. Many people were injured and bleeding from the head and face. Many people have been arrested and transferred to unknown locations.
After the attack by soldiers of the supreme leader, people have formed local group gatherings of ten to one hundred and chanted various slogans. Each time a group was attacked, dispersed and reformed other groups at different locations.
The protests continued until 17 hours 30 and despite numerous arrests and brutal attacks, people are not parties.
Valiasr Sector: Guards are placed Valiasr. The crowd is infinite, streets and alleys are crowded. The guards seem to be unable to manage the people, a major traffic grows to Taleghani street and a large wave of people ahead of Karimkhan instead Hafte Shooting. We report the use of tear gas, arrests and slogans begin "Down with the dictator!" And "Khamenei is a murderer, his leadership is an illusion." Clashes continue Valiasr places and Hafte Shooting. The revolutionary guards are trying to suppress the people and break his protests. The courage of the people against the coup regime is surprising.
- Tehran The clashes between the people and the police and Basij forces continue to university, streets and Enghelab Hafte Shooting. The police fire into the air to disperse the demonstrators. The protesting people manifest in the streets of Tehran, Tehran University to the University Amir Kabi, Valiasr Street, Keshavarz Boulevard, north of Amir Abad ... at Haft Tir, the Basij hit by profaning insanities. Young people are beaten with batons and electric cables. The people who congregate in the aisles are attacked by special forces on a motorcycle that hit mercilessly on young, old, women and girls to disperse them. Wanting to end the slogans of the protesters who chant "Down with the dictator" and "Down with Russia," the Basij use of loudspeakers on their Toyota shouting their own slogans "Down with USA", "Death to hypocrites" and "Death to Israel". In response, protesters shouted "Death to the dictator and Russia!" And "Both Ahmadinejad arrives, it will be the same thing every day." Under the new Azadi Square, and streets and Jamazadeh Azadi, the riot police and Basij again violently bludgeon people. Many women and girls were arrested and many young men and women were injured and taken by ambulance to the hospital Khomeini.
-In the area around the street Karim Khan, the network of mobile phones is cut for several hours. Subway stations Haft-Tir, Taleqan, and Mofateh Darvazeh Doulat were closed to prevent more people will come to join the gathering place. The clashes in the areas of Valiasr Fatemi and are also very violent. While many people walk Valiasr Street from south to north, they chant "death to dictator" and "Death to Khamenei". The military attacked them with batons and tear gas. Many demonstrators were injured. The protesters ran towards the nearby alleys and tried to help the wounded with cigarette smoke and everything is possible. However, about 500 people were injured in the violent attack. Many people are seriously poisoned by tear gas and streets near the area are blocked by the Basij and the military.
- Haft-Tir Square : We are witnessing a resumption of protests to 18 hours and violent clashes between the people and the revolutionary guards are reported. People continue to stand up against the guards and singing slogans against the regime.
-Beheshti and Motahari Streets and along the boulevard Keshavarz, plastic bullets painted red are drawn on the people and they touch a red mark showing his clothes. This is to make people believe that the protester was injured. This tactic is used to cause panic among the demonstrators.
- Clashes continue Place Sadeghi and some of the slogans are "Khamenei is a murderer, his power must be broken, "" Death to Janati "and" Death to Ahmadinejad ".
- Shariat Razavi Hospital : A Shariat Razavi Hospital at Mehrabad, Tehran, when the ambulance arrived, protests were raised among nurses and hospital staff. Two young men, aged 17 and 18, were taken by ambulance, wounded during demonstrations today.
- University Polytechnic (Amir Kabir) Tehran: students at Amir Kabir University have left courses and joined the crowd. At the beginning of the street Karimkhan, the Revolutionary Guards attacked a family and taken one of their daughters and had to deal with people but have escaped with the help of their guns and batons. In the streets Nejatollahi, Iranshahr, Kheradmand, azodicarboxylate, Beh Afarin and Hafez, the presence of Revolutionary Guards and security forces was very low. Movements and crowd Valiasr Hafte Shooting has caused confusion among rangers who would run constantly between the two places.
- Protests nocturnal People shout "Death to the dictator" from the rooftops.
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