With us, there really is no national holidays. We celebrate birthdays, of course, but beyond that, there are only a few regional festivals and festival market.
It takes place every year and gathered all the merchants from the mainland Elemental City. They sell all sorts of things, but that day it released their most valuable goods such as spices from the high mountains, or certain cases belonging to the Princess. On this day, everything is decorated, the streets, houses, gardens and the castle. It is a purely commercial holiday, but it is the biggest party of all Qodar, people meet, discuss, is the day where all news travels, and rumors. The day where everyone will gather around some shopping! On
Qodar, there are mostly regional parties, or anniversaries. The tradition is to celebrate one day a month every anniversaries taking place during this month.
Different peoples have their celebrations, we, the Flyers, the day we celebrate the supposed birth of our race. Nymphs were celebrating the return of spring.
The Centaurs have several parties, all activity related to astronomical alignment of our moon and our planet with our Sun is one of the most beautiful. They also celebrate the arrival of some comet that travels between two solar systems and alignment with our star three closest, which happens only every two hundred years.
Sirens celebrate the birthday of their queen and the return of turtles and whales that indicate a good crop water stone.
The Dwarves a kind of pilgrimage or ritual that takes place every two years and a few days. is the time it takes for our star to give us a day of twenty-six hours instead of three. To attend this event, we must make a long trip up the highest peak Qodar, the peak of El Taran, the first having to be aware and assured the road climbs. For this perilous journey, the dwarfs are organized months in advance. They elect those who will be part of the caravan, they prepare the equipment, food, clothes, train themselves to cope with the coldest temperatures, manage their reserves, to avert a possible accident ... It is the ritual most famous and most legendary in the history of Qodar ...
that, I wish you a merry Christmas, happy holidays and I'll be back next year to give you more of my story to the next!
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